BWIS History

Sue Gray and Steve Roche originally created a Community Interest Company called PSN CIC, in order to deliver a grant-funded training called Peer Support Network to Suffolk Mind.
We were supported by colleagues and associates with similar interests and values, three of whom - Phil Manington, Charlotte Green, Martin Wilks - joined us as Directors. We merged with Martin’s Mindfulness organisation and with Suffolk Coaching Zone, and the name was changed to Being Well In Suffolk CIC (BWIS).
Over the next few years BWIS established a presence in the health and wellbeing arena and developed a reputation for high quality delivery of trainings, workshops, groups, projects and 1-2-1 work.
In 2022 several of the directors moved on in their careers and lives, so the company reverted back to the control of Sue Gray and Steve Roche. BWIS then developed a new website and began a new phase, still specialising in supporting the people of Suffolk and beyond.