Steve Roche
NLP Coach & Supervisor
I am a specialist life coach. Over several decades working in personal development, I have supported individuals, groups, and organisations to find meaning and purpose in their lives and work. My mission is to help people to understand themselves better and clear their limitations so they can develop to full capacity and achieve their potential in life. Contact me to see if I can help you.
My business background includes training, project management, and consultancy. I am a Master Practitioner of NLP, certified NLP coach and IAF-accredited facilitator, with extensive experience of running courses, groups and networks at all levels.
I have taught Life Coaching Skills for many years, helping people to create successful careers and businesses. I run a monthly Coach Group for mutual personal and career development. I provide Supervision to new and developing Coaches.
I practice and teach Peer Support (PSN and Co-Counselling) because it is an accessible and low-cost way for people to create a personal network to sustain them through life’s challenges. In other parts of life I am a trained actor, regularly seen on Suffolk stages.
My book Get Your Ducks in a Row shows people how they can learn to coach themselves. Other publications include: Action Learning: Using the Power of Group Thinking, What's On Top? An Introduction to Co-Counselling, A Coach’s Story,and many topics in Alchemy Performance Assistant. I also write the BWIS Blog, and the newsletter Interesting Times.